
上个月公安部在京召开新闻发布会,宣布将已在16个省市的部分地区试点的12条移民与出入境便利政策推广复制,于8月1日起在全国范围内实施。那么,在十二条新政下,哪些外国人将收获申请“中国绿卡”的资格?除了“绿卡”外,新政还给外国人发了什么居留“福利”? Last month, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference in Beijing, announcing that 12 immigration and entry-exit facilitation policies, which have been piloted in some areas of 16 provinces and municipalities, will be replicated and implemented nationwide on 1 August. So, under the twelve new policies, which foreigners will be eligible t...


近日,客服同事与公司HR确认外籍员工是否续办工作签证时发现,外籍人与单位解除劳动合同关系,离职公司并未办理注销手续,这是否正确完成办理外籍员工离职手续呢?大多数企业HR关注外籍员工入职问题,往往容易忽略离职手续办理,今天我们来聊一聊外籍员工离职这个话题。Recently, our customer service colleagues confirmed with company HR whether the foreign employees had renewed their work visas. And we found that the foreigners had terminated the labor contract relationship with the company, and the leaving company had not gone through the cancellation procedures. Is this correctly completing the procedures f...


随着外国人来华工作、创业的不断增加,对于外国人工作许可的管理也越来越严格,2017年4月1日的新的工作许可政策实施,外国人工作签证的申请比以前更加复杂和严格,所有申请者需要提供无犯罪记录证明和文凭认证。 With the increasing number of foreigners working or starting up in China, management of foreigners' work permits is becoming more and more strict. In April 1st, 2017, new work permit policy was issued and application of work visa is more complicated than ever before: all applicants need to provide certification of no criminal record and diploma.在复杂冗长的签证材料准备过程中,由于许多HR对无...


随着全球化的发展,我国目前很多的企业都存在着聘用大量外籍人员,但是,你们又知道这些外籍人员是否需要缴纳社会保险吗?或者是,哪些人可以免缴社会保险呢?相信关注我们的许多老粉儿都会有这样的疑问,关于社保该不该给外籍员工交?怎么交?深圳前海信诺人力资源服务有限公司做了如下较全面而简洁的整理,以供参考。 With the development of globalization, many companies in China employ a large number of foreigners, nevertheless, do companies know whether these foreigners need to pay for social insurance? And who needn’t? I believe that many followers have such questions: Do companies need to pay for social se...




全球化时代,英语已成为每个孩子的必备技能,尤其是到了暑假,一些打着“外教”旗号的培训班更广受家长追捧,不少人抱着“培养孩子国际视野”的目的,希望给孩子找到“口语纯正的欧美外教”。In the era of globalization, English has become a necessary skill for every child. Especially in summer vacation, some training classes under the banner of "foreign teachers" are more popular with parents. Many people hold the aim of "cultivating children's international vision", hoping to find "European and American Foreign Teachers with pure good spoken English" for their children.“...


“三非外国人”是指下列三种违法行为:The “Three-Illegals” refer to the following three illegal activities:1. Illegal residence: People who have an illegal visa (expired visa or no visa)1. 非法居留:持有非法签证的人(签证过期或无签证)2. Illegal work: People who work here without a work permit or a wrong work permit2. 非法就业:没有工作许可证或工作许可证有问题,依然私自从事工作的人。3. Illegal entry: People who enter China without any legal documents or didn’t enter through a legal Chinese port of entry3. 非法入境:无合法证件或未经合法途径入境中国口岸的人员。What are the social hazards of “T...


每年年初,中国政府都会制定许多新的计划,发布新的政策和规则,以改进管理。今年移民局就出台了许多新政策,旨在加快中国人才签证(R签证)的审批,减少申请中国永久居留所需的条件,并通过简化申请流程来完善工作许可证制度(尽管仍然非常复杂)。尽管政府正在采取措施简化所有的申请程序,但是外国人的工作许可证和签证的管理和检查变得比以前更为严格。Every beginning of the year, the Chinese government makes many new plans and issues new policies and rules to improve its management. The immigration bureau issued many new policies this year, which aim to quicken the China talent visa (R Visa)approval, reduce the requ...


持“中国绿卡”人员在生活方面有何待遇?What are the daily life treatments for Green Card holders?在子女就学方面,《办法》规定,“随迁子女义务教育阶段入学,符合条件的,可享受相关政策,由其居住地教育行政部门按照就近入学的原则办理入、转学手续,不收取国家规定以外的费用”。这是首次在国家层面明确了持“绿卡”人员的子女可在居住地接受义务教育,享受本地居民待遇。鉴于我国高等教育阶段针对外国学生的入学要求更适用于外籍人才子女,因此仍按现行政策执行。In terms of children’s education, the <Measures> explicates If the children of a migrant are enrolled at the compulsory education stage and meet the cond...