
在深圳工作的外籍华人博士,在深工作满一年,每年在中国境内实际居住累计不少于6个月,可以申请办理外国人永久居留。但其博士学历需经中国教育部留学服务中心认证!Foreign Chinese doctors working in Shenzhen, who have worked in Shenzhen for at least one year and have actually resided in China for at least 6 months each year, may apply for permanent residence as foreigners. However, his/her doctoral degree needs to be certified by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange(CSCSE)!大鹤去年有个办理永居的华人博士,在提交中国驻外使馆认证的学历办理永居,审核了几个月后,被告知需补充学历经中国教育部留学服...


  根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第四十一条规定:外国人在中国境内工作,应当按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居留证件。任何单位和个人不得聘用未取得工作许可和工作类居留证件的外国人。所以,外国人在中国工作是必须要办理工作签证(即外国人工作许可证+工作类居留许可签证)的,那么影响外国人申请工作签证的重要因素有哪些呢?   According to Article 41 of the law of the people's Republic of China on the administration of exit and entry, foreigners who work in China shall obtain work permits and work residence permit in accordance with relevant regulations. No unit or individual may employ ...


现在越来越多的国际学校在成立,而学校对外教的需求也日益增大。然而外教办理工签的条件相比于公司聘请外籍员工也会更为严苛。聘用外教除了基本的技能和经验要求,判断是否符合工作签证条件也是十分重要的一个环节。如何才能办理外教工作签证呢?小诺在这里给大家整理了相关的要求和办理条件。Now more and more international schools are being set up, and the demand for foreign teachers in schools is also increasing. However, the conditions for foreign teachers to apply for work visas will be more stringent than the company to hire foreign employees. In addition to the basic skills and experience requirements of hiri...


01 疫情期间,在华留学生Tom在境外社交媒体发布谣言造成恶劣影响后,被学校按规定开除学籍。当地公安出入境机关除了依法注销其学习居留许可外,还可能对他作出何种决定? 01 During the epidemic, Tom, an international student in China, was expelled from the school according to regulations after he posted rumors on overseas social media, which caused a bad impact. In addition to canceling his study and residence permit in accordance with the law, what kind of decision may the local public security entry and exit agency make against him?答案:限期出境   《出境入境管理法》第八十一条第一款外国人...


外国人签证逾期则构成非法居留。If the visa is expired, it will constitute illegal residence。非法居留的认定 Identification of illegal residence根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》第二十五条:外国人在中国境内有下列情形之一的,属于非法居留:According to Article 25 of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the administration of the entry and exit of foreigners, an alien who has one of the following circumstances within the territory of China shall be regarded as illegal residence:(一)超过签证、停留居留证件规定的停留居留期限停留居留的;Staying beyond the period of sta...


外籍宝宝出生后,如果想在中国长期生活读书,就必须持有有效的身份证件。After the birth of a foreign baby, if he/she wants to live and study in China for a long time, he/she must hold a valid identity card.《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》第二十六条规定,在中国出生的外国婴儿,须于出生后一个月内,由其父母或代理人持出生证明向当地公安机关出入境管理部门申报,办理登记手续。According to number 26 of the detailed rules for the implementation of the law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners stipulates that when a foreign baby is born i...


有人问,外国人在广东连续工作2年以上,可以申请延期2年工作许可证,那么外国人在广东连续工作满4年,是否可以申请在华永久居留?今天我们来聊一聊这个话题吧。Some people have asked, foreigners who have been working in Guangdong for more than two consecutive years can apply for an extension of their two-year work permit. so, If foreigners have worked in Guangdong for four consecutive years, can they apply for permanent residence in China? Let's talk about this topic today.政策政策:外国人在广东已连续工作满4年,且4年内每年在中国境内实际居住累计不少于6个月;连续4年工资性年收入(税前)达到40万元人民币...


根据外国人来华工作分类标准(试行),将来华工作外国人分为A、B、C三类,按标准实行分类管理。那么外国专业人才(B类)中的外国语言教学人员,要符合什么条件才能办理呢?According to the Classification Standards for Foreigners Working in China (for trial implementation), foreigners working in China are divided into three categories: A, B, and C, and classified management is implemented according to the standards.So what are the requirements for foreign language teaching personnel among foreign professionals (category B)?1母语国母语教学Mother Tongue Teaching外国人想要在中国从事其母语国母语教学,那么他需...


1、外国专家局对学历认证的要求 Requirements① 最高学位(学历)证书在国外获得的,应经我驻外使、领馆或由申请人获得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学历认证机构认证。Highest degree (degree certificate) obtained in foreign countries, shall be authenticated by Chinese embassies, consulates in the country it was issued, or get authenticated by the embassy/consulates of the country where it was issued in China,or get verified by education certification organization in China.② 最高学位(学历)证书在港澳特别行政区和台湾地区获得的,应经我国学历认证机构认证或经所在地区公证机构公证。Highest degree (deg...