
对于来中国工作的外国人而言,申请工作许可是必不可少的一步。在申请外国人来华工作许可的过程当中,申请人需要准备非常多的申请材料。今天大鹤就通过这篇文章和大家聊一聊外国人来华工作许可申请材料的一些常见问题。For foreigners working in China, applying for a work permit is an essential step. In the process of applying for a foreigner's work permit in China, applicants need to prepare a lot of application materials. 重要提醒 Important reminder:* 所有材料需原件彩色扫描上传。Please upload the color chromoscan of all the required original documents.* 所有外文材料需上传所对应的翻译件,英文可由单位...


随着中国疫情政策的放开,中国使馆及入境口岸等也逐步恢复正常,近日大鹤也遇到有咨询口岸签证的客户,今天大鹤就来给大家介绍一下口岸签证。With the relaxation of China's epidemic policy, the Chinese embassy and ports of entry have gradually returned to normal. Recently, Dahe also met customers who asked about port visas. Today, Dahe will introduce port visas to you.一、申请口岸签证对象Port visa applicable object出于人道原因需要紧急入境,应邀入境从事紧急商务、工程抢修或者具有其他紧急入境需要并持有有关主管部门同意在口岸申办签证的证明材料的外国人,旅行社按照国家规定组织入境旅游等,可以向公安部委托的...


近期许多外籍人士陆续申请了普通签证入境,想在国内寻找适合的工作岗位在国内长期发展。也因不是持有Z签入境,很多外籍人士担心在国内申请工作签证的时候,会面临需要出境重新Z签入境而影响入境工作的时间。现在很多地区或国家,签证的预约排号已经到了几个月后,预约号“一号难求”。Recently, many foreigners have applied for regular visas to enter the country, hoping to find suitable job positions for long-term development in the country. Due to the fact that they do not hold a Z visa for entry, many foreigners are concerned that when applying for a work visa in China, they may face the need to exit and re-enter ...


大家好!我是美国签证找大鹤,我今天可以教你快速区分外国人在中国的签证、居留许可和中国绿卡之间的区别。很多客户在咨询过程中混淆了来华签证、居留许可、中国永久居留(即中国绿卡)等专有名词,为了让大家快速区分出他们的不同,大鹤分别给大家做出以下归纳总结。In the process of consultation, many clients confuse the proper terms such as visa, residence permit, permanent residence in China (namely, China green card). In order to let us quickly distinguish their differences, Da He respectively gives you the following summary.一、签证 , Visa#签证是主权国家主管机关颁发给外国公民并允许其入境、出境、过境的许可。...


在2017年以前,外籍人士来华工作并不需要查验学历。随着中国的综合国力的不断发展,和更多外籍人士来华工作,国家进一步对外籍人士来华工作制定统一的标准。Before 2017, foreign nationals working in China did not need to have their education verified. With the continuous development of China's Comprehensive National Power and more foreigners coming to work in China, the country has further developed unified standards for foreigners working in China.自2017年起,外国人来华工作许可系统上线,外国人来华工作许可申请政策趋于稳定,而学历成为验证外籍人士素质和能力的证明之一Since 2017, the work permit system f...


若无需工作,申请团聚居留许可If no work required, apply for a reunion residence permit外籍华人如果无需在境内工作,则可依靠中国直系亲属申请团聚居留许可。If foreign Chinese do not need to work in China, they can rely on their immediate family members to apply for a residence permit for reunification.入境前,申请Q1签证Apply for a Q1 visa before entering the country因家庭团聚申请赴中国居留的中国公民的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女以及配偶的父母)和具有中国永久居留资格的外国人的家庭成员(配偶、父母、子女、子女的配偶、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母、...


外籍华人注销国内户口后没有中国身份证了,那其入外籍前在中国购买的社保医保,可以正常续上吗?大鹤给大家分享一下外籍华人回国工作定居,如何延续以前的社保。If there is no Chinese identity card after the cancellation of the Chinese hukou, can the foreign Chinese renew the social security and medical insurance purchased in China before? Dahe would like to share with you how to continue the previous social security when foreign Chinese return to work and settle down.一、社保的延续The continuation of Social Security未达到退休年龄Not reaching retirement age在出国定居前已参加职工基本养老保险Have participa...


按照《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第四十一条,外国人在中国境内工作,应当按照规定取得工作许可和工作类居留证件。任何单位和个人不得聘用未取得工作许可和工作类居留证件的外国人。那么单位聘请外国人来华工作一般有哪些手续?以深圳为例,今天大鹤就和大家聊聊。According to Article 41 of the law of the people's Republic of China on exit and entry administration, foreigners working in China shall obtain work permits and work type residence certificates in accordance with the provisions. No unit or individual may employ foreigners who have not obtained work permits or work type residence certificates. S...