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Many foreign workers in China also need to help their accompanying family members (parents, spouses or children) apply for visas after applying for residence permits for work, and residence permits for personal affairs can meet their needs. 



However, the following points need to be noted:

1. 私人事务类居留许可的有效期不能超过本人护照的有效期;

  The validity period of a personal affairs residence permit cannot exceed the validity period of one's passport;

2. 年满18周岁的子女,不能申请私人事务类居留许可;

  Children over the age of 18 cannot apply for a private affairs residence permit;

3. 首次申请私人事务类居留许可,最短必须签发180天。

  For the first time applying for a private affairs residence permit, it must be issued for a minimum of 180 days.



Recently, Dahe encountered a very classic case where they encountered the second and third points mentioned above, which resulted in the inability to apply for a private affairs residence permit.



Mr. A's daughter turned 18 years old in October this year. We went to the scene to apply in June. At that time, the staff at the on-site acceptance counter informed us that due to the minimum 180 days required for the first application for a private affairs residence permit, but Mr. A's daughter turned 18 years old in October this year, and children over 18 years old cannot apply for a private affairs residence permit, therefore, Mr. A's daughter was unable to apply for a private affairs residence permit and could only leave before the visa expired.


So what materials are required for applying for a private affairs residence permit for the first time?

1. 外国人签证证件申请表

  Visa and residence permit application form

2. 签证相片回执 

  Visa photo receipt

3. 体检报告(18至70周岁的申请人须提交深圳出入境检验检疫部门(口岸医院)在六个月内出具的身体健康证明)

  Medical Examination Report (Applicants aged 18 to 70 must submit a physical health certificate issued by the Shenzhen Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine Department (Port Hospital) within six months)

4. 亲属关系证明 Relationship Certificate

5. 护照 Passport

6. 其他出入境要求的相关材料等 

  Other relevant materials









Apply for work and residence permit for foreigners in China for the first time

Apply for extension of foreigner’s work and residence permit

Apply for transfer of foreigner’s work and residence permit

Apply for foreigner’s family member’s residence permit(personal affairs)

Cancel/modify/reissue foreigner’s work and residence permit

Apply for confirmation letter for High Lever foreign talents (R visa)

Apply for Reunion-type residence permit

Apply for permanent residence permit and so on

2009/11/8 | Tags: | 中国绿卡 | 微信号:usadahe

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